Optimally Suited for Machine Monitoring in Complex Systems:
The Advantages for You at a Glance
Product Details
Simple initial operation thanks to the automatic monitoring configuration for standard units such as motors, fans, and pumps
Configuration, trend displays, and initial analyses take place directly on the device using the integrated web server and a standard web browser
A great variety of options for integration into your infrastructure using digital interfaces (e.g. OPC UA) and a modular field bus module. This allows the highest possible level of transparency by providing all measured information about the machines’ condition, e.g. for the customer’s own plant visualization, maintenance planning system, and quality assurance
Application Example
One component is the ProLink condition monitoring system. It offers the perfect setup in combination with the ConditionAnalyzer – the automatic vibration diagnosis system.
Customer Projects
General Information
ProLink / SmartCheck – Introductory Product Training
ProLink / SmartCheck – Advanced Product Training
Machine Diagnosis with DetectorIII / SmartCheck / ProLink